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Brenton Wright

Brenton Wrighta in a suit and tie

In memory of Brenton Wright who passed away on 2nd November 2017.

Lighthouse Disability were privileged to have had Brenton Wright as Chair for more than 2 years and Director for more than 3 years. During this time Brenton led us through significant change. He was much admired and respected for his expertise, intellect and strong sense of purpose. Above all we valued him for who he was; a vibrant personality, engaging, irreverent and clear about things that mattered.

Thank you to Brenton's family who requested that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Lighthouse Disability. We are very grateful for this generosity. Thank you also to the many people who have honoured the memory of Brenton by making a donation.

Tim Jackson

Tim Jackson smiling for the camera


  • Chair of the Governance Committee
  • Member of the Finance Committee
  • Member of the Client Wellbeing Committee
  • Member of the Risk Committee


  • Leadership and Change Management
  • Strategic Alliances, Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Political processes across all tiers of Government
  • Governance

Tim is a non executive director of a number of organisations in the for purpose and public sectors. He has been a director of the Lighthouse Disability Board since 2016 and Chair since late 2017. He has worked extensively in Local Government in Victoria and South Australia as a senior executive. His last executive role was as CEO of the City of Playford in South Australia. He held this position for 18 years. He has led significant community and organisational change processes and has a keen interest in contemporary corporate governance and leadership.

Jani Baker

Jani Baker woman smiling for the camera
  • Member of the Client Wellbeing Committee

An experienced Executive and Senior Manager in both large public and
for purpose organisations, Jani has developed specific expertise and proven skills in strategy, governance, stakeholder engagement and leadership. She has a background in Health and Aged Care Services in the public and private sector in Australia. Jani has highly developed interpersonal skills and proven abilities in liaising and consulting at Executive and Board levels.

Matt King

Matt King in a suit and tie
  • Chair of the Finance Committee
  • Member of the Risk Committee


  • External audit, assurance and financial reporting
  • Corporate governance
  • Not-for-profits

Matthew has a Bachelor of Commerce qualification, and is a Registered Company Auditor as well as a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand. He is a Partner in a firm of Chartered Accountants and Advisors, having had the experiences of leading the firm’s audit division and serving as the firm’s Chief Financial Officer. He has also worked for a large ASX listed company, and therefore has extensive understandings of the practical issues faced by businesses when managing budgets. Matthew’s experience, in addition, includes working with human service organisations and he has demonstrated a commitment to serving the not-for-profit sector.

Levi Mitchell

Levi Mitchell in a suit and tie
  • Chair of the Risk Committee
  • Member of the Client Wellbeing Committee


  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk & Compliance
  • Project Management

Levi is an experienced executive and GRC leader with expertise in developing and improving governance, risk, and control processes to achieve organisational objectives and compliance with regulatory obligations. Levi currently works for a publicly listed United States based company and leads their global compliance function for the Asia Pacific region. Levi has a Master of Business Administration which is complemented by post-graduate qualifications in strategic leadership and compliance and risk management. He is “Graduate” of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a “Fellow” of both the Governance Institute and the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance.

Anna Nolan GAICD, FCA

Anna Nolan smiling for the camera
  • Member of the Finance Committee

Anna is the Chief Financial Officer at Radiology SA and during her career has worked in the UK, Netherlands and France. With her passion for the Health care sector, she was previously the Chief Financial Officer of The Hospital Research Foundation. She has also held senior leadership positions in listed global companies, BOC Gases and France Telecom and, prior to this worked for KPMG in London.

Her experience spans across heath care, manufacturing, technology, banking, retail and the charitable sectors. Her roles have included risk management, technical security, fraud, revenue assurance, strategic planning, business advisory, financial management, tax consulting and audit.

Anna is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, as well as, a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales. She is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Anna was Chair of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) SA/NT Council in 2019 and was a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Panel of CA ANZ from 2012 to 2018.

Sue Imgraben

Sue Imgraben in glasses smiling at the camera

Sue consults to the health sector applying her experience as a senior health executive to support health service providers to manage risk, realise commercial opportunities and improve their clinical practice and systems.

Sue has a career spanning 43 years in both South Australian public sector and private not-for-profit-environment, with 10 years as CEO of a successful not-for-profit Private Hospital. She has expertise in clinical and corporate governance, strategic planning, delivery of patient centred care, developing high reliability organisational culture, plus systems and policy development within complex organisations. Sue has strong customer and key stakeholder relationship development.

She is an effective and resilient change practitioner, with ability to maintain collaborative relationships whilst ensuring optimum patient care outcomes. She has strong business acumen, leadership, interpersonal and team development skills gained within varied team and executive work environments.

Craig Haymes

Craig Haymes sporting a beard and mustache smiling

Craig has over 30 years of executive and non-executive leadership experience in multinational environments including Australia, Canada and USA.

He has built a reputation for outstanding business, operations and sustainability performance, corporate governance, strategic innovation and technology, project, risk and cost management, joint venture, merger, growth and commercial strategies, organisation transformations, enrichment of cultures, the development of organisational talent and capabilities, environmental protection, health and wellbeing and volunteering in the community.

Craig is an inclusive leader, who works with integrity and passion, and is accomplished at networking and influencing without authority by collaboratively engaging with governments, regulators, joint venture partners, customers, employees, the community, NFP organisations and key external stakeholders.

Karen Hunt

Karen Hunt smiling sporting glasses

Karen has extensive experience in the higher education and health sectors, including a number of years in senior roles at the University of South Australia (UniSA) where she is currently Deputy Director: Student Engagement, with responsibility for leading student wellbeing and support services. She brings expertise in stakeholder management, policy, sponsorship, communication, mental health and community engagement.
Karen has a Bachelor of Behavioural Science from Flinders University, majoring in psychology and disability studies, and a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration from UniSA. She is a Director of UnitingSA Ltd and UnitingSA Housing Ltd and is the elected professional staff member on UniSA Council. She is a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a ProSci Certified Change Practitioner.

Lighthouse Disability Constitution

The Board operates in accordance with the Constitution of Lighthouse Disability Ltd. The Constitution is the set of principles and rules by which we are governed.

Consumer Reference Group

The Board of Lighthouse Disability values input from a sub-committee called the Consumer Reference Group that provides an important form of guidance.

The Group comprises several of our clients who meet once per month to receive and consider feedback from houses about positive initiatives as well as things that are of concern.

Family Advisory Committee

As a sub-committee of the Board, the Family Advisory Committee (FAC) provides important information to the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Lighthouse Disability in relation to what is working well, as well as points of concern about our service delivery. We are committed to improving outcomes for our customers, and the feedback from families is therefore very valuable.

The Senior Leadership Team and Board consult with the FAC in relation to new initiatives, and the committee also takes an advocacy role in relation to matters of concern by writing to key people to express its views - together with suggestions about how problems might be addressed.

Meetings take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 1pm-2:30pm. New members are warmly welcomed.

“I have enjoyed my time as a volunteer and appreciate your support provided over the last two years. Thank you very much!”

Mihir, Volunteer

“Let me commend the Lighthouse Disability staff for the exemplary work that they do and for how well they interact with the clients.”

Angela, External Provider

— Gill, Parent of a Client

“Lighthouse Disability is a great place to work. It’s been clear since day one that the focus is always on the person that we are supporting.”

Nick, Staff Member

“Lighthouse Disability staff are all amazingly dedicated and our family appreciate all that the team do.”

Madeleine, Sister of a Client